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The Regent Theatre Greymouth opened in February 1935. Construction started in 1933 on the site formerly occupied by a merchants warehouse It was the latest addition to the JC Williamson Picture Corporation’s chain of theatres that extended from Whangarei to Invercargill. Constructed of steel and reinforced concrete, it claimed to be absolutely earthquake resisting. In an article in the Grey Star from February 1935 it states “In the event of a tremor making itself felt, patrons may “sit tight” with confidence that the walls will not come tumbling about their ears. The architect, Mr Llewellyn Williams, of Wellington has had special experience in this type of construction, having recently been responsible for the design of several new theatres in Napier and Hastings”. Westland Theatres Ltd were the owners of the building and was leased to JC Williamson Picture Corporation. The interior of the theatre was decorated by Mr H Dreyfeldt of Wellington and of special note was the carpet supplied by Ballantynes of Christchurch.
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